Archives Teaching Today's Thought

I’m Feeling Ethically Challenged

I think it is important to say when you aren’t feeling ready to teach a topic. I’m feeling that way about ethics tonight. I can saunter into the copyright class and do laps, but ethics has got me nervous. Engagement with the topic has been great. I just have that weird educator feeling that I’m […]

Archives Teaching Today's Thought

The law really isn’t blind

We all know that justice really isn’t blind when it gets down to it. The US legal system disproportionally higher rates of incarceration for people of color give that away. This goes without mentioning other problems with our legal system. This is even true for those of us outside legal professions but forced to be […]

Archives Teaching

To paper or to not paper

This week in class we were having a discussion about reproduction work, and the cost of reproduction. I make it no secret that I hate, HATE, HATE the process many of us have to go through for reproductions. This extreme dislike is fueled by the complex systems most academic archives have to deal with due […]


1’s & 0’S: Today in teaching

Today, I’ve been debating how deep into encoded digital records that I need to take first semester students. I typically have them work on more management-focused activities such as creating a virtual machine or managing a free/low-cost server/website. I decided to change courses this year and have them create a small development environment based on […]